
I've been getting a lot of help just by looking up this forum. This is my second post and I need some help again. : )

I was trying to make VBA macro that can examine if translation of certain words is done right.
I am wondering if anyone can help me with conditions below:

- There are two excel files.
File A is Translation file that has original text in even row of column N(ex,N2,N4,N6...) and translation text in odd row of column N(ex, N3,N5,N7,...).
And file B is VBA macro file that has a list of words in column A (which is english original text) and B(which is other language word).
- Macro search if each original text of file A (which is even row of column N in file A) has the column A words of file B and if there is, it checks if there are the words in the same rows of column B of file B in the translation text (which is odd row of column N in file A)
And if original text has some words of column A and translation text doesn't have matching words of column B, then not the relevant words of column A appear in column U of file A.

For example, if cell N2 of file A is like below,

Centrally located, Grand Villa provides the ideal starting point for your trip to London. All main attractions are reachable on foot like St. Elizabeth’s Cathedral, the Technical Museum and the Garden. Free Wi-Fi is available. Kosino International Airport can be reached in less than 10 kilometres.

and column A and B of file B is like below:
personal XXXXX
centrally located OOOOO
on foot YYYYY

So if there's no OOOOO and YYYYY in N3 of file A, then the result I need in the cell U3 of file A is : centrally located,on foot

and the macro does this up to the last valid column N of file A and shows on the column U of file A.

Thank you so much for taking a look at it and I would appreciate it a lot if someone can help me with this. : )