Loop Buttons
Hi Guys
Thank you in advance ......Could some out there please help me . I am fairly new to excel ........ I am trying to do a loop on all shapes on a active worksheet i got this really cool code that does just that . The problem is "it selects the command Buttons as shapes " as well. Could someone help me on how to Get only the shapes and not the Ole Objects . Thank you So Much Eric Maxfield
Sub GetShapeProperties()
Dim sShapes As Shape, lLoop As Long
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Set ws1 = Worksheets("sheet1")
'Add headings for our lists. Expand as needed
ws1.Range("A1:C1") = _
Array("Shape Name ", "Height", "Width")
'Loop through all shapes on active sheet
For Each sShapes In ws1.Shapes
'Increment Variable lLoop for row numbers
lLoop = lLoop + 1
With sShapes
'Add shape properties
ws1.Cells(lLoop + 1, 1) = .Name
ws1.Cells(lLoop + 1, 2) = .Height
ws1.Cells(lLoop + 1, 3) = .Width
'Follow the same pattern for more
End With
The report works well What i would like to achieve is Getting rid of the buttons in the loop
My report shows
button 1
button 2
command buttons you know