Open Excel
right click top ribbon and select "Control Toolbox"
From this select "Button" and create in your excel sheet
Select Alt F11 to open VBA editor
Insert userform (this will create a blank form which you can then tailor).
Personally I use a blank spreadsheet (usually Sheet 3) and create random codes and drop downs there.
Define name
Create the list you want your drop down boxes (one option per line), select the whole area and in the top left corner where you see the cell value delete the value and typwe in the name oif your options.
On your user form create a combobox and in the Properties window search for "RowSource", in there type = sheet and name of drop down (=Sheet2!Names).
Then right click the form and select "View Code", this will open the window to type in all the fancy VBA code you want.
In a module you want to create the below sub which when you select the box in excel will open your userform.
Sub Show_Userform ()
End sub
I hope this is enough to get you started