Okay so I have an example excel sheet where my data can move (but always relative from the active cell in this example it's B2)

I tried making a code where it matches data in another column and I want it to remove adjacent rows in BOTH columns where a value exist the two columns im looking at.
I have made the code below

Sub dontcareforsimilarValues() 
    nr = ActiveCell.Row 
    nc = ActiveCell.Column 
    nrEND = Cells(Rows.Count, nc).End(xlUp).Row 
    For i = nr To nrEND 
        If IsNumeric(Application.Match(Cells(i, nc).Value, Columns(nc + 6), 0)) Then 
            Range(Cells(i, nc - 1), Cells(i, nc + 2)).Delete Shift:=xlUp 
            i = i - 1 
        End If 
    Next i 
End Sub
But what I found out is now I can't use that same code I made on the other column because of the already removed values.
Now im thinking for a way to store values that were found matching and at the end delete that value (and its associated rows) on both columns but found my self stuck.

Any ideas?