I have spreadsheet with data in A1:Z5 and I would like to have cut and paste 3 joint columns from within A1:Z5 into A10:C14 which is the fixed location for the chosen data. The difficulty is that I need a Macro that can forward or backward the 3 joint columns from A1:Z5 to be pasted to A10:C14.
Example I start with data in A1:C5 and have them pasted in A1:C14. The next step I want to "forward" and the chosen 3 column, B1:D5 will be pasted in A10:C14. The next forward VBA will paste C1:E5 in A10:C14. If I do a "backward" from here , then B1:D5 will be pasted in A10:C14.
Appreciate help in the VBA coding as my simple record macro can only help me do the first step.
Range("C1:E5").Select Selection.Copy Range("A10").Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False