I have now been searching all afternoon, and have not found an answer to what I need accomplished. It is quite complicated and I am sure the code will be a pain. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
I have a command button that needs to extract data from the worksheet that it is in, and paste it to another worksheet in the same workbook. However, the data is scattered.
I have information in rows 45-83 that has data that needs extraction. However most of the time not all the rows are utilized. So how do I extract data from just the rows that are being used? Also, not all the data in that row is needed, just columns A,B,F,H,J,N and P. And when extracted they have to be put into a different order in the other worksheet. To add to the complication of this, there is a certain range of cells that correspond to those rows, but are not in those rows. R89 corresponds to row 45 and down the line.
Is there any possible way to accomplish this? I have attached the workbook. Tab Zone 1 is where the information is kept. Tab PA Data is where the information needs to be sent to.
In the Zone 1, you will notice that rows are labeled with HIDEROW. This is what is used when the row is not going to be in use, there is a button to hide those rows. Essentially i will need the data that is above the HIDEROW, and below the Row45.
Thanks in advance for all the help in this!! test.xlsx