I have a Masterfile which I want a macro in which opens the excelfile: "C:\Users\Scoring\Desktop\2014 Scoring\Silent Scoring\Silent Summary.xlsm"
This file has several macros but the first one (which calls all other in order) is named Becke (Says Sheet3.Becke in the Macrolist and the first line in it is "Sub Becke()" )
I want my Macro in my Summary Masterfile to Open the workbook, Start the macro "Becke" and let it all run (25 macros in which all ends with "Call [Macroname]" and then "End Sub"). When this is completed I want the macro to copy the information in Range A2 to Z27 (A2 to Z2, A3 to Z3 etc down to A27:Z27) from this Silent Summary File, Sheet name: Summary to the Masterfile (Named: Summary Masterfile) into the Sheet called SLASK SILENT from A2 to Z27.
Anyone have any idea on what to do? I tried doing some recording of a macro but seems I cant get it to activate a macro within another file when recording a macro
I belive the structure would be like this:
But honestly im a newbie at this stuff and so far the people here have helped me greatly and I've finally gotten my boss to accept my request for proper VBA and Excel education so hopefully in the future I can help on the forum as well
But for now im asking for help once more!
Thank you in advance and thanks for a great forum!