I currently have a post that has been unanswered, so in trying to work it out myself I have a more specific question.
In the middle of my spreadsheet are two columns of data I'm working with, that will eventually be involved in an if statement.
I need a macro to count the cells filled in Column G for example versus Column H, except it won't be from G1 or H1.
It'll always be the same starting point, so let's say G20 and H20.
So the macro should somehow select that cell then count how long that range is and be able to dimension it.
Then my if statement could say if rangeG > rangeH then ect.
So basically I need a code to dimension a range by counting it, but to be able to start from the middle of the range.
This is what I currently have that won't work for any starting point except G1:
Dim rangeG As Integer
rangeG = Cells(Rows.count, "G").End(xlUp).Row
Thank you in advance!!