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Formula or Macro, match string,from 1 cell to a column,String use dash

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  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    Excel 2007

    Formula or Macro, match string,from 1 cell to a column,String use dash


    I know how to create a some Formulas and simple macro, but i need some help

    on this Issue

    If 2 or 3 (dynamically) Numbers from Cell Z8 Match any combination/Row
    of Column G12 (down), then i need to noticed wherever i copy the Formula
    (it can be column E12 to E1000)
    of course, that i need to exclude these combination matched with min string, but then this post
    it get complex (may be a macro?)

    What i'm Adding:
    CELL Z8
    I need to Use In a single Cell Z8 to hold over 22 Numbers, with leading zero and with dash "-"
    like : 01-02-03-04-05-06....

    What already have
    COLUMN G12 to G1000
    The sheet already have a Single Column that hold combinations with
    Groups combination between 4 to 13 Numbers
    and it already use the same Format (leading zero and with dash "-")

    to make this formula is hard for me, because i ever work with :
    a-.Combinations in Single Cell
    b-.Combination comes with dash "-",
    c-.Combination Numbers are with 2 Digits, example : 01-02-03, etc,etc..

    Please, please.... :-(

    Thank you so much!

    Best Regards

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by david gonzalez; 12-07-2013 at 02:16 PM. Reason: After 3 days. no response, already ask to forum moderator, mr alansidman

  2. #2
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: Macro to find range,if match then Exclude it on Search highlight workbook


    The difficult of this code (or formula) that see, is that each Combination Numbers to be match (target Column G)are together in a single Cell and separated by dash "-"

    In Post #1, the Numbers to match,i ask from a Range of Cell Z6 to AU6 Cell,
    and i think it can be possible, due that this range it also have to be in a single Cell with the "-",
    other than that, what else can do?

    Thank you in advance

    Last edited by david gonzalez; 12-05-2013 at 11:11 AM. Reason: edit undestandable words

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: Macro to find range,if match then Exclude it on Search highlight workbook

    Hi Guys,

    do some one can help me on this?, don't know .. a formula ?
    as i said, my problem is that each combinations are in storage in single Cells and with dash "-"
    so, i can'r apply conditional format, and exclude with condition min 2 or 3 (if match)


    Best Reagards


  4. #4
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    Re: Formula or Macro, match string,from 1 cell to a column,String use dash

    Please "BUMP."

  5. #5
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: Formula or Macro, match string,from 1 cell to a column,String use dash


    Problem solved, I had to Add a Code, few more formulas, But at the end I got
    what i need.

    This is what i did :

    1-.I modified a Get Match Code that i have,

    2-.Starting Cell E12, i Added the Getmatch Function that work with the code

    3-.Starting Cell D12, I Added a LEN Function (to count how many numbers match Between Cell Z8 and G12 )
    4-.then on Column D12, I Added The Excel Filter to Accept/Reject if 2 (3 or more) Numbers matched

    Here the Code :

     Function GetMatch(LookFor As String, LookIn As String) As String
    Dim s, i As Long, h As String
    s = Split(LookFor, "-")
    For i = LBound(s) To UBound(s)
      If InStr(LookIn, s(i)) > 0 Then
        h = h & s(i) & "-"
      End If
    Next i
    If Right(h, 1) = "-" Then h = Left(h, Len(h) - 1)
    GetMatch = h
    End Function
    Getmatch Formula
    LEN Fomula
    And finally, Added the excel Filter located Tab DATA->Sort and Filter.

    That's it.

    Well, talk to you later or tomorrow, please everyone have wonderful evening

    Thank you so much.

    Best Regards From Miami

    Last edited by david gonzalez; 12-07-2013 at 06:04 PM. Reason: Add greeting

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