Hi very new to macros so please forgive me if this is either stupid or not possible.

I have an 'accounts' WB that i store all business transactions on. Previously when ever we have entered new data we simply 'save as' and edit the date to the filename, this ensures back-ups of the file and obviously we can easily go back and see any changes made between versions.Fine no problem, now the thing is as my knowledge of excel has grown im learning the power of Vlookup between WB's however my current method would not work as the vlookup function would always refer to an outdated version of the file, im sure you get the point. So, is there a way keep the file name the same everytime i save the file but also save a duplicate file labelled with the date that its being saved and save to a speceifc folder? thus having back up files everytime we make new entries. I should probably add this is all stored on dropbox and i dont know if this causes a problem?

Any advice much appreciated.