I'll try to upload a small sample a bit later, but taking the path of least resistance (or a more accurate description....a kludge!), I've just realised that I can first test whether a county is EU or not with this somewhat long & cumbersome formula (the country information in my spreadsheet is actually in cell AB2)...
=IF(OR(AB2="Austria",AB2="Belgium",AB2="Bulgaria",AB2="Croatia",AB2="Cyprus",AB2="Czech Republic",AB2="Denmark",AB2="Estonia",AB2="Finland",AB2="France",AB2="Germany",AB2="Greece",AB2="Hungary",AB2="Ireland",AB2="Italy",AB2="Latvia",AB2="Lithuania",AB2="Luxembourg",AB2="Malta",AB2="Netherlands",AB2="Poland",AB2="Portugal",AB2="Romania",AB2="Slovakia",AB2="Slovenia",AB2="Spain",AB2="Sweden",AB2="United Kingdom"),"EU","nonEU")
(I just enter it into a cell & drag it down my spreadsheet.)
the result of that is either EU or nonEU
I can then construct the final I require value from that (i.e. by adding that result to cell values taken from a couple of other columns) :-)