Let me start off by saying I don't know anything about excelI am attempting to create a simple "daily Log" for my security company which will have a 2 columns that list the date and time automatically and an entry column:
11/28/2013 - 2130 hours - Security Officer Fred Brown reports that all is secure at client ABC
I'd like to post this spreadsheet to google docs where my executive team can view its entries without being able to enter information into the log. I'd also like the end user (dispatch) to not have the ability to change any entries once made (lock the cell.) I am assuming that I may have to change the file name every month to start a "new" month's worth of entries. Can anyone assist me with what I am guessing is a simple task? I am hoping that time can be listed as military time.
I am also "new" to the forum. Happy Thanksgiving!