I know this has been asked before but I can't seem to get any of the solutions to work for me. I appreciate any help & I'll try to be as detailed as possible.

> Excel 2013
> Sheet name: "Data Entry"
> I have a dropdown list in cell C4 that contains four options ("swim", "bike", "run", "other (weights, yoga, etc...)". When a user selects one of the items then I need the data in a few other cells cleared out.

(1) if the user selects "Run" or "Bike" I need cells D8 & D10 cleared out
(2) if the user selects "Swim" I need cells C8, C10 & E10 cleared out
(3) if the user selects "Other (Weights, Yoga, etc…)" I need cells C8, C10, D8, D10, & E10 cleared out

Thanks for your help.
- David