This may seem confusing, but this is what I am trying to do.
So I have a set of data and I either want to automate it (not sure how that will work out) or develop a formula that can provide an output satisfies a few conditions.
In each row, for example, if people do not attend, they get a zero. If they attend, they get a score. The first table shows the data, the second table shows my desired output.
Below lists the criteria and some examples (see attached for a visual):
A score of 7 or higher, I want a 1 to be populated for all times they show up until they actually get their first score over 7 and then it stops. You can see in Susan’s situation, she did not start going until March and reached a score of 7 or over in April, so a 1 populates in March and April and stops at the first instance of 7 or over.
Another scenario is where they do not get a score of 7 or over at all. In Frank’s case, you’ll see he does not show up until April, where he only scores a 3. In the output, I only want a zero to populate in those two months.
The scenario can occur when they attend (i.e. Martha) but does not score 7 or higher for another few months. In her case, she does not get that score until March, so I would like January, February and March.
The last scenario is where they do not show up at all. In that case, nothing populates.
Any help/creative ideas/acts of God are welcome! Thanks everyone for your time!