Hi Solus,
Let me give a quick recap of what I'm trying to achieve here in the hope it makes it clear as to the entire scope.
1. Click macro button to add a new order row on sheet1 row 2, this is done by copying from a 'template' sheet in the same workbook where cells are pre-formatted. Pre-formatting includes cells with pull down menus, formulas linked to pull down values, and blank cells formatted for date, and order number. A counter increments to generate the next order number and that is also placed in cell 'A2'. The sheet is protected with a password and some of the columns of data are locked.
This part works really well right now and here is the code I'm using.
2. On top of this I would like to add the time stamps to specific columns of data and this where your code comes in. I'm currently commenting it out because it's causing errors when the new order macro above is run.
The problem is it will not let me add a new row when the Sub New_Order() is being run. It returns a Run-time error '1004' Insert method of Range class failed and fails at this line in the 'Sub New_Order()' code:
When I was able to bypass this error I then ended up with another error caused by this part of the code:
3. Well if that is not enough,
then this code that was introduced to prevent copying and pasting on top of cells with time stamps, effectively losing the history of time stamps, causes another error with the 'Sub New_Order()' code.
It causes formatting to be messed up and formulae to disappear when the insertion of the new row takes place.
My apologies for the long post but I should have provided more context in the first post of this thread.
Thanks once again Solus.