I would like to have a cumulative list of data (with no blanks) that is created from a macro that copies and pastes-vales a range of data ("B1:B26") to the next blank row in the cumulative list on a seperate sheet titled "Heli Data". The challenge is that I need a macro that pastes-values to a dynamic row so that there are no blank rows in the cumulative data list in the "Heli Data" sheet.
Another challenge is that the copy range must also be dynamic; sometimes there will be one row of data that needs to be copied and pasted ("B1:B25"), but other times there will be up to 8 rows of data that need to be copied and pasted ("B1:I26"). There could be anywhere from 1-8 rows of 25 cells/row that need to be copied and pasted at a given time, with no indicator until the user enters them into the user sheet (named "Allocation" which is the location of the cells that need copied).
Please assume that the cells to be copied are in (rows 2:9) and there will 26 cells in each row (columns A:Z), so A2:Z9. I appreciate any help or guidance.