Tried to see if I could get something like this, yet to see anything though, and just wondering if you guys could help.
Basically, I have a list of Patients, each with their own row and with 3 different Dispatch dates.
(1) I basically need a macro (activated by Command Button?) which asks for the user to input a date.
(2) It will then Look in Columns D , G and J For All Rows and look for that date, E.g. 25/10/13
(3) Then if it is matching that date in either of those 3 columns, it will copy the cells in column A and B for that row (Branch and Name) into a New Workbook ( and preferably sort that final list by Branch - 100 going down to 500)
(4) Also, at the same time, in that same Workbook I need it to make another 5 Worksheets( So 6 in total), each one designated for each Branch E.g. Patients in Branch 100 and being dispatched on Inputted date, will be on one sheet, Branch 200 and being dispatched on same date on next one, etc,etc.
(5) And if possible, the top of each of those final worksheets should Have 2 Cells Saying "Name: " & "Delivery No.:" - This is for the person to write their details beside.
Sorry for having something so long-winded :D greatly appreciate any help.