Hi, Maria,
no problem - there is no comment from my side or text explaining what the Variables are supposed to do.
This will be used as the counter in the For...Next loop to determine the number of loops to run (here it is from 1 to 5)
The wrong "terminus techicus" as this would indicate the Last Used Row on a sheet where infact I´m referring to the first free cell in a column (an offset to the last Filled).
Both Variables are dimmed as Long because of the number of rows in the worksheets and if I remember correctly from Excel2002/XP on all Bytes and Integers are converted into Longs anyway for use in VBA.
You´re right, you didn´t rename the Textboxes so that they can be used with their increasing numbers. As I set a With-Statemenbt before this statement refers to the sheet stated there and will place the values of the textboxes one by one into the very same row starting at column B (which is column number 2: 1 + the lowest number of the loop to run). The next line just clears the contents of the textbox as the data has been written.
Basicly the logic is identical, you might need an additional Variable to adapt to the diffferent set of Columns which aren´t in straight order after each other, from what you mentioned you will miss I:J.