Quote Originally Posted by patel45 View Post
check please your data, there are some months missing. i-e 1990 dec
try this code
Sub Macro1()
LR = Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
dcol = 42
For j = 2 To LR Step 12
  drow = 2
  Cells(1, dcol) = Cells(j, 3)
  For r = j To j + 11
    Range("D" & r & ":AI" & r).Copy
    Cells(drow, dcol).Select
  dcol = dcol + 1
End Sub
Dear Patel,
this is how your output looks.... but January is going at the end after 3 years. i need it on the top. (like in 1987,1988,1989) . and also it is showing error in the code at STOP. and for each and every year i have to click run run run run only then it is giving the output. i need like by one click it has to give the output for all the years. for your easy understanding I am attaching you the excel file by running your code.

pls do help me..
Awaiting for the positive response...

With Regards, SENEGAL_DATA(patel sir).xls