
so, I´ve this piece, which is working if it holds first half of variables, and fails with the second part of em, any clues what might be causing it?:

Sub menu_cmd_1_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer

frm_wait.Show False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = 0 To menu_lbx_1.ListCount - 1
    If menu_lbx_1.Selected(i) = True Then
        For j = 0 To menu_lbx_2.ListCount - 1
            If menu_lbx_2.Selected(j) = True Then Application.Run menu_lbx_1.List(i) & "_" & menu_lbx_2.List(j)
        Next j
    End If
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
the concept is simple, form has two list boxes, where first contains values such as: "A998", "C995" etc. and the second contains names of months: "January", "February"....multi select is enabled....user chooses from both listboxes and click the button, where the macro above is executed....so to read it correctly, the line with:

If menu_lbx_2.Selected(j) = True Then Application.Run menu_lbx_1.List(i) & "_" & menu_lbx_2.List(j)
makes app to run macro with name i.e.: "A998_January".....all those macros are in the module, the macro copied above resides in the form module.

and now to the issue: If user chooses options starting with "A" (A998, A989 etc.) macro works as expected, BUT if user chooses those with "C" (C998, C995) it fails with error msg 1004 and the note that macro is not present in the workbook or might be restricted....any ideas what the hack is going on??

hope anyone can help me on it, cause I´m totaly desperate.

Best regards
