My question is nearly identical to the one in this post.
I would like to combine rows based upon matching values in a particular column (ie if two or more rows have the same value in Column A, I would like to combine the values found in the rest of the columns into a single row). This doesn't seem like it should be too difficult to accomplish, unfortunately I'm not very knowledgeable regarding vba/writing excel macros (I think I could grasp the logic, but I don't read/write the language at present). I'm looking to do this with a handful of data sets which have varying dimensions, so hopefully any advice would be adaptable to varying sizes.
I would like the combined values in the other columns to adhere to these guidelines:
If values to be combined do not match, I would like them to be combined in a comma delimited list in the new row.
Phone Number --> Phone Number, Fax Number
Fax Number
If values do match, I would like them not to be duplicated.
Business --> Business (NOT Business, Business)
Also note that some entries may be blank.
I have included a sample input/desired output document that I hope captures most possible variations!
Thanks for any help you can offer!