
I am having trouble getting my code to interact with a Child Window in Internet Explorer. On our intranet webpage, when you click on a link, a RadWindow pops up. A RadWindow is a Modal Popup window, which is a Child Window of a Parent. The code I usually use does not work because it is only looking at the Parent Windows:

'Microsoft Internet Controls Reference is needed
'Microsoft HTML Object Library Reference is needed

Public Sub FindWindow()

    Dim objShellWins As SHDocVw.ShellWindows
    Dim objIE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
    Dim objDoc As Object
    Dim WebCheck As String
    'Location name of the webpage I am looking for
    WebCheck = "Google"

    'Check each open window for a window with the WebCheck string in the Location Name
    Set objShellWins = New SHDocVw.ShellWindows
    For Each objIE In objShellWins
        With objIE
            If (InStr(1, .LocationName, WebCheck, vbTextCompare)) Then
                Set objDoc = .document
                If (TypeOf objDoc Is HTMLDocument) Then
                    objIE.Visible = True

                    MsgBox "Window Found!!!"

                End If
            End If
        End With

End Sub
Does anyone know how to modify the code to look for a Child Window using VBA?
