I need a code that will open my mail merge document from excel. I want to be able to click the button and have word automatically open to my mail merge document. My Word document already has the merge fields and labels updated. I just need to open word to make it as user friendly as I can for others who are not as familiar with excel and word. I am very new to VBA; however I can get my Word document to open but it doesn't allow me to use the mail merge features. These features are greyed out and I can't even select the "Finish Merge" tab, nor does the SQL question appear asking that is already linked to my excel sheet. Here is all I got so far:

Sub Print_Tags()
Set wordApp = CreateObject("word.Application")

wordApp.documents.Open "C:\Users\J.Templet\Desktop\LOTO Print Tags\PRINTING TAGS1.docx"

wordApp.Visible = True

End Sub

Please help!!