I have a worksheet that is a template to create additional worksheets, however when pressing the form button which saves the current workbook as a new filename, the form control buttons do not copy to the new workbook.

   Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=objshell.specialfolders("Desktop") & "\Mud Innovations Drilling Fluids Program\Wells\" & Range("A10") & "\" & Range("a10"), _
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True

the code executes perfectly, however I need to use form control buttons, not command buttons, due to the reliability of the command button which is lacking. I would like to copy all form control buttons to the new worksheets that are created.

Is this possible? I have searched and searched with no answers.

The modules that I have created ARE copying over to the new workbook, i just need to copy over the Form Control button, and assign the macro if necessary to that form controlbutton.

Thank you all in advance.