Hi Guyz,
I need help in creating a macro on this on the below request
1 need to copy the data from both the sheet(OLD&NEW) the contract code which is in the bracket for e.g (ALSI) , [exclude contracts the begins with "eCFD" e.g eCFD on ABL with SAFEY [+0.65%] (ABL90 ] the output should be in the 3rd sheet "DATA VALIDATION" the "OLD" sheet data in "OLD CONTRACT COLUMN" and "NEW" in "NEW CONTRACT COLUMN"
2. once the data is populated in both the column need to do vlookup from the data of "NEW CONTRACT" Column TO OLD CONTRACT" Column , if old contract is there it should show exist and if the contracts are not there it should show "Not Created (or else if it is possible to show Contracts that need to be created) (Contract to be displayed in any column but if its with heading like "Contract To Add)
3 same thing vice versa do to do vlookup from the data of "OLD CONTRACT" Column TO "NEW CONTRACT" Column , if NEW contract is there it should show exist and if the contracts are not there it should show "Contract Dropped" (or else if it is possible to show Contracts that need to be created) (Contract to be displayed in any column but if its with heading like "Contract Dropped")
Thanks In Advance Guys!!!!!!!!!!