Dear TMS,

I appreciate you taking the time to respond on this thread, but you actually haven't addressed my problem.

To clarify further, in our workplace, we save Excel files on a common server and access and edit them individually. Different machines each have a large number of macros saved locally and we run them individually when editing these files.

The user with the new machine created macros as he had on his previous machine, but it seems to be impossible to save them such that they don't simply disappear later.

Researching this problem online earlier, I read that .xlsx files are not macro-enabled, while .xlsm files are. Even though the macros have been working fine with all of our .xlsx files for years, now, we've experimented with using .xlsm files instead. But the user with the new machine still has the exact same problem: he can create and save the macros locally, but they are often (though not always!) gone when he reopens the same file later.

Does this make sense?