Hi all,
I have a dilemma that I need you help with. I have been tasked to create a program where in one click personnel roster in two or more sheets can be sorted and compiled into a schedule of batches. The size of each batch may be varied between 15 to 20 persons but must contain specific numbers of individuals from each of the list (e.g. 2 from sheet 1, 3 from sheet 2, 10 from sheet 3) due to the nature of the data. It is hoped that the output will automatically create the table blocks and is print friendly (example in sched sheet). The data will be sorted in the correct order and the schedule is created by progressively taking the number of rows stipulated from each sheet, going down the list.I have unfortunately no luck in finding information of this nature on the web and my lack of any knowledge or formal training in basic has me boggled on where to start. I have only managed to create an interface for inputting the data and a userform that will serve as the interface to activate the scheduler. Attached is the file I have created thus far. Thank you very much!