So I am attempting to code a scheduling assistant module for my Nursing Director. The program which handles our schedules either requires entry of each patient one at a time. Alternatively we have the option to upload via excel.

Sadly though she must make a row for each item that must be added to the schedule. Currently she is utilizing hotkeys to speed up the process but it is still very time consuming.

I am coding a Userform via excel that will automatically export the data to the worksheet.

The columns are as follows: Patient ID | Staff ID | Start Date | Start Time | Finish Date | Finish Time | Cancel | Care Plan | Schedule Notes

My thought process is this. Every item is either the same every time, Items that require a selection will be a drop down menu, and the date can be achieved via checkboxes.

Definition of columns goes as follows:

Patient ID (This item would be tied to a combobox which pulls from a column which shall be entered from another form, which hasn't been created yet)
*The form in which populates the information originally shall be developed at a later date as we continue to develop electronic alternatives.

Staff ID (Same protocol as patient ID)

Start Date/Finish Date (I'd like to set this to checkboxes which would represent M-F, I am thinking using the "Date" code would be best. )
*This is where I am confused as I am unaware as to how I shall code it as it is majorly complex. Any particular patient can have multiple days to be scheduled.

Start Time/ Finish Time (This will be the same for all entries, 5:00pm) *This allows the staff to be flexible as the program resets the visit if it isn't complete at a certain time.

Cancel (This is always an empty cell)

Care Plan (Same protocol as patient ID)

Schedule Notes (This is always an empty cell)

This is my first time using a forum of this nature. I have been utilizing office programs for quite some time but have never gotten so deep into such a complex project. I have done quite a bit of research but am still unsure as to how to code the date function with checkboxes tied to it. I hope I didn't give far to much information, better safe than sorry.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.