This is my first post so bare with me if I am not to clear. I have a wookbook that contains 2 sheet. The first sheet is an evaluation, where the second sheet contains a list with the names, positions, and ranks of people.
In my Sheet "Evaluation" I have a list box where you can select the name of the person you want to evaluate. When this is done, the information of the personal is displayed in the desired cells. In this case, cell B3 is the list of possible names, while B5 contains the Rank (done through Vlookup off the sheet named "list"). Example: when someone selects "John Doe" from the list of name in B3, the Rank "Cpl" appears in cell B5.
I have multiple option boxes that are grouped together but are set to 0 (unclicked) by default. Once clicked (example: non observed) the value in cell H13 goes to a 1 and increases by one depending on performance.
This is where I need help. I want it so that if someone selects a person that contains the rank of either Pvt or Cpl, the value in H13 goes to a 1 automatically. So I need a macro that runs automatically behind the scenes.
So can someone help? Much appreciated.