Hi all,

I have a multicolumn listbox in a userform that has 5 columns. As my dataset is growing, I need to allow users to sort the columns using command buttons placed above each column. I have found examples of how to sort 1 or 2 columns, but cannot find anything for 5 columns.

The following is what I have used for a 2-column sort, and am curious if it can be modified to be used for a 5-colum sort.

    Dim i As Long
     Dim j As Long
     Dim sTemp As String
     Dim sTemp2 As String
     Dim LbList As Variant
     'Store the list in an array for sorting
    LbList = Me.ListBox1.List
     'Bubble sort the array on the first value
    For i = LBound(LbList, 1) To UBound(LbList, 1) - 1
         For j = i + 1 To UBound(LbList, 1)
             If LbList(i, 0) > LbList(j, 0) Then
                 'Swap the first value
                sTemp = LbList(i, 0)
                 LbList(i, 0) = LbList(j, 0)
                 LbList(j, 0) = sTemp
                 'Swap the second value
                sTemp2 = LbList(i, 1)
                 LbList(i, 1) = LbList(j, 1)
                 LbList(j, 1) = sTemp2
             End If
         Next j
     Next i
     'Remove the contents of the listbox
     'Repopulate with the sorted list
    Me.ListBox1.List = LbList