I am very coffee sensitive person. I am afraid, the latte and coffee of Starbucks are VERY Dreadful. Coffee making is not a formula, but an art. If you have local Italian coffee shop, I will have a Weak latte.
With Worksheets("NoRetention")
x = .Range("K1:S" & .Range("K" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
End With
Column K is the first column and S is the last one. I am normally lazy and use Current region, but not in this instance as you have complete blank columns.
Assigning(Copying) the range in to an array called X and this speeds the execution of the code.
Dictionary holds unique keys with items.
Loop through the array(X) and test each row for existence of a key. But the actual code is more complicated than merely looping through arrays.
Before you venture out in the world of dictionary, it is a good idea to have a solid grasp of Arrays.