Hi hectop,
Thank you so much for taking a look at this. I checked out your DropDownDefn.xlsm & played around with it a bit by changing drop-down options then re-ran the macro, and this is exactly the result I am hoping for.
Unfortunately, I am having a tricky time applying the macro to my actual tool, likely because of the formatting. I have attached the actual tool - you will see that there are groups of columns, and within each group, there should be drop-down menus in the peach cells (Col H, Col T, Col AD, Col AN, Col AX, and Col BH). Additionally, the menu items and corresponding drop-down options are located in the DATA - Menu tab in Col D and E.
As I said, I tried to update the macro to match this formatting, but it's a bit above my head. Do you think you could help?
Thanks you so much!