Hello! I am still looking for help with this code!
I've searched for how to do this, including on Ron De Bruin's website, and have yet to see how you can copy a range of cells in Excel from a file into the body of an email that already has text plus attach a separate file to the email. I'm sure it's doable, but I'm way too new at all of this to figure out the correct code to use.
The cells that need to be copied will always be in a file named SPSS CHECK--Daily ER Production Aggr by Region Type & ER.xlsx in columns A-K, but the number of rows in that range will vary by day. I've identified where I'd want these cells to be pasted in the code below, but with no attempt at coming up with the code for that.
BTW, is there a way to add a hard space at the end of sentences so that two spaces always appear between the end of one sentence and the beginning of another, or is that an Outlook quirk that strips out extra spaces and reformats the text?
Here is my code so far:
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