Hi all,

I am creating a macro to work with an excel file that will be downloaded monthly from an online database.

This portion of the macro will deal with two columns (which are already created in the Excelsheet) described below:

a) Headed "todaydate"; always in column x; range: x2:x300; will be populated with today's date (mm/dd/yyyy)

b) Headed "createdate"; column location varies; range: _2:_300; will be populated with the data's create date (mm/dd/yyyy)

I need the macro to calculate the number of days elapsed between createdate and todaydate within each row and highlight the entire row when the number of elapsed days is greater than 60.

Though I understand the basics behind finding a column based on the header value, subtracting cell values from each other, and highlighting rows, I am having difficulty putting all these concepts together for the macro. I have searched this forum and Google more generally for a solution to the problem to no avail.

Thanks so much for the help.