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Creating coding for grading for class project

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  1. #1
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    Creating coding for grading for class project

    New to the forums, I'm taking a class on vba but learning quick and I've grown to enjoy it.. sorry my first post is a question!

    My question states "grade for each student will be based on a weighted average of the students' scores for various work completed during the course. The professor records each work as a percentage and then computes the final grade by multiplying each work percentage times its corresponding weight and summing theses to obtain a final score. The course letter grade is then determined based on this final score. The weights for each work and the values necessary to convert the final grade to a letter grade are give"

    I have..

    My coding shows it needs to be debugged at the <= parts and I can't seem to figure it out

    If more information is needed let me know and I will provide it.

    Sub project_cal_Scorerankings()
    Range("A3").Value = "Work Item"
    Range("B3").Value = "Project 1"
    Range("C3").Value = "Project 2"
    Range("D3").Value = "Exam 1"
    Range("E3").Value = "Exam 2"
    Range("F3").Value = "Final Exam"
    Range("F3").Value = "Final Score"
    Range("A3:H3").Font.Bold = True
    Range("A3:H3").Font.ColorIndex = 5
    Range("A3:H3").Interior.ColorIndex = 6
    question = "y"
    Do While question = "y"
    erow = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
    question = Application.InputBox("Do you wish to enter data? Type 'n' to end or 'y' to continue", "Question")
    If question = "n" Then End
    Months = Application.InputBox("Enter the Student", "Student")
    Cells(erow, 1).Value = Student
    Final_Score = 0
    Total_Portfolio_Performance = 0
    For counter = 2 To 7
    TotalScore = Application.InputBox("Enter the Percentage for Grades", "Grades")
    Cells(erow, counter).Value = TotalScore
    MsgBox "You entered Grade" & " " & counter & " you have " & 7 - counter & " to go"
    Final_Score = (Project1 * 150) + (Project2 * 150) + (Exam1 * 200) + (Exam2 * 200) + (FinalExam * 300)
    Cells(erow, 9).Value = Final_Score
    Dim percentage As Single
    percentage = 0
    percentage = FinalScore
    Cells(erow, 8).Value = percentage
    If percentage <= 900 Then
    Final_Score = "A"
    Cells(erow, 8).Font.Bold = True
    Cells(erow, 8).Font.ColorIndex = 5
    ElseIf percentage <900 or </= 800 Then
    Final_Score = "B"
    ElseIf percentage <= 700 or <800 Then
    Final_Score = "C"
    ElseIf percentage <= 600 or < 700 Then
    Final_Score = "D"
    ElseIf percentage < 600 Then
    Final_Score = "E"
    End If
    Cells(erow, 8).Value = Final_Score
    Next counter
    End Sub
    Moderator Note:

    Pls use code tags around your code next time as per forum rules.
    Last edited by Burkex12; 10-18-2013 at 03:45 AM.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Re: Creating coding for grading for class project

    bump please

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