I am having an issue setting the value of a cell with some variables. I am getting the error in the post title, but I cannot find where this error is coming from.

Dim FirstFourRunNo As String, LastTwoRunNo As String, GrowthPrefix As String
Dim wsWafer As Worksheet
Dim RunNo As String
RunNo = Mid(ThisWorkbook.Name, 17, 6)
GrowthPrefix = InputBox("Please enter the wafer prefix (SPV, SPW, or SPL)", "Wafer Prefix")
FirstFourRunNo = Mid(RunNo, 1, 4)
LastTwoRunNo = Mid(RunNo, 5, 2)
Range("W27:Y27").Value = GrowthPrefix & FirstFourRunNo & "-" & LastTwoRunNo & wsWafer & "Fine X1"
Am I using too many variables for the .value part? Is this method not accepted in VBA?
Any ideas?