Okay, so far I've managed to slog through most of the problems I've been having, and gotten to the point where I'm creating my macros to generate historical tabs.

I have a basic template where my cost allocations and accounting codes are being recorded. I'm then copying that template as another worksheet, renaming it for the month that's being run, and overwriting its data as values, as follows:

Sub MakeHistory()
    Worksheets("BillSummary").Copy After:=Worksheets("Lookup")
    Worksheets(4).Name = Month(Worksheets("CallsAlloc").Range("E2")) & " " & Year(Worksheets("CallsAlloc").Range("E2"))
    Worksheets(4).Cells(1, 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End Sub
So far, it works just fine. MakeHistory is called from an action button embedded in the worksheet through the "insert form controls" function on the Developer tab. But what I'd like to do next is to change the button so that it has different text ("Create History" -> "Fill Uploader") and references a new macro ("MakeHistory" -> "Uploaders"). The problem is that I can't find any way to reference the button object on the worksheet. Does anybody know where I should look?

There are two UserForm modules in my project, but neither one has any code in it, leaving me inclined to think they're an artifact from the original worksheet that was created back in the day.