Hi, Can someone show me how to loop this bit of code I am using. I've got a workbook to track staff hours for up to 12 staff. The code I'm using below seems like it will do the trick, but I was sure hoping there was some way to shorten it with a loop.

'Staff 1
Set valuesearch = Sheet1.Range("B101")
Set rngFound = rngSearch.Find(What:=valuesearch, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
If rngFound Is Nothing Then
'MsgBox "Not found"
LBLName1.Caption = Sheet16.Range("B" & rngFound.Row).Value
LBLC4CAwake1 = Application.Sum(Sheet1.Range("C101:Q101,S101:AH101"))
LBLC4CAsleep1 = Application.Sum(Sheet1.Range("C113:Q113,S113:AH113"))
LBLC4CHoliday1 = Application.Sum(Sheet1.Range("C125:Q125,S125:AH125"))
LBLIHSSAwake1 = Application.Sum(Sheet1.Range("C137:Q137,S137:AH137"))
LBLIHSSAsleep1 = Application.Sum(Sheet1.Range("C149:Q149,S149:AH149"))
LBLC4CFirstTot1 = Application.Sum(Sheet1.Range("C101:Q101,C113:Q113,C125:Q125"))
LBLC4CSecondTot1 = Application.Sum(Sheet1.Range("S101:AH101,S113:AH113,S125:AH125"))
LBLIHFirstTot1 = Application.Sum(Sheet1.Range("C137:Q137,C149:Q149"))
LBLIHSecondTot1 = Application.Sum(Sheet1.Range("S137:AH137,S149:AH149"))

'MsgBox rngFound.Row
End If

'Staff 2
Set valuesearch = Sheet1.Range("B102")
Set rngFound = rngSearch.Find(What:=valuesearch, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
If rngFound Is Nothing Then
'MsgBox "Not found"
LBLName2.Caption = Sheet16.Range("B" & rngFound.Row).Value
LBLC4CAwake2 = Application.Sum(Sheet1.Range("C102:Q102,S102:AH102"))
LBLC4CAsleep2 = Application.Sum(Sheet1.Range("C114:Q114,S114:AH114"))
LBLC4CHoliday2 = Application.Sum(Sheet1.Range("C126:Q126,S126:AH126"))
LBLIHSSAwake2 = Application.Sum(Sheet1.Range("C138:Q138,S138:AH138"))
LBLIHSSAsleep2 = Application.Sum(Sheet1.Range("C150:Q150,S150:AH150"))
LBLC4CFirstTot2 = Application.Sum(Sheet1.Range("C102:Q102,C114:Q114,C126:Q126"))
LBLC4CSecondTot2 = Application.Sum(Sheet1.Range("S102:AH102,S14:AH114,S126:AH126"))
LBLIHFirstTot2 = Application.Sum(Sheet1.Range("C138:Q138,C150:Q150"))
LBLIHSecondTot2 = Application.Sum(Sheet1.Range("S138:AH138,S150:AH150"))
End If
I posted just the code for just the first 2 staff. There are 12 staff slots in all, each Label is named the same with a different number on the end, ie LBLName2 is for staff 2, LBLName3 is for staff 3. Also the sheet rows will all increment by 1 as well. Can anyone help me to figure this out. Thanks guys