I appreciate your comments, and I am very aware of how inefficient and how sensitive my code is. In addition to hard coded names and values that often need to be changed, by recording macros the code often points to specific column or cell locations rather than to a name or type of data. If anything is in the wrong place failure is certain.

Your assumptions are correct, the Cutoff channel is the result of an IF statement, operating on other columns, that populates the column with 0/1 values. Then another macro deletes all rows with a 1. Like I said, if the cuttof channel is not in col 1, the Cutoof macro won't find it.

Selecting the columns is a simple matter and a very small part of the operation. I'm sure you'd have a good laugh at how ugly the total code is, but it works. I can use it because I built it and know what breaks it, after I complete the functionality I need to make it useable for others.