No problem.

One thing though, having all those references in the code might make things a bit messy,

It might be an idea to stick the values in variables, perhaps even an array, at the start of the code.

Here's an example of how you might use an array, I've used mostly hard-coded value for now.
Dim arrSaveCols As Variant
Dim Res As Variant

    arrSaveCols = Array("CutOff", "TIME", "LPSD", ... , Sheets("INFO").Range("A11").Value ' ? arrSaveCols = Sheets("INFO").Range("A1:A11").Value

    For i = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column To 1 Step -1
        Res = Application.Match(Cells(1,i), arrSaveCols, 0)
        If IsError(Res) Then
        End If
    Next i