Hello. I have a spreadsheet that i use for my company to do engineering estimates for our projects. With other people's help from these forums I have created a macro that copies a template sheet to create individual sheets for each engineering item in a list on the main sheet. The macro creates all of the sheets and then each item is estimated in each sheet and the total value ends up in cell H77.
The main sheet also references the total quantity from cell H77 for each specific sheet and that quantity is in the same row as the corresponding item in the list. However as of now I have to do this typing by hand in each cell in order to reference the total quantity in the correct sheet. For example, the engineering item number in cell B11 on the main sheet is entered as '201.06 and there is a calculation sheet that has been created for it already. This calculation sheet (and all calculation sheets) has a total quantity in cell H77 which needs to automatically update in cell D11 on the main sheet. In order to reference that total quantity into cell D11 I type '201.06'!H77 which brings it in for me. When I have several hundred items this takes a long time.
I would like to create another macro or something similar that automatically populates column D on the main sheet (starting with D11 and ending when there are no more items in row B) with the correct quantity for the item in column B. Example:
Column A Column D
'201.06 '201.06'!H77
'202.06 '202.06'!H77
'202.07 '202.07'!H77
Therefore, Column D would have the text 'XXX.XX'!H77 in each of it's cells after the button is pressed.
Thanks in advance for any and all help!