I have a monthly tracker to maintain.
I have done data validation for the entire month and people get to choose different options if its a weekday and different list for SAT, SUN and Holiday.
What I want is , people are copying and pasting data in SAT, SUN and HOL what they do normally during weekdays.
Whereas SAT , SUN and HOL have different list to choose for than on weekdays.
Can we write a code where either SAT,SUN and HOL should automatically have the WK_OFF and Holiday list populated whenever there is a weekend or Holiday.
User should not be able to choose anything but WK_OFF and Holiday list.
Or they should not be able to copy , paste from other cells . Disabling copy , paste and dragging can not be done as I need it.
I hope I was able to put this across to you.
Let me know of any questions.
Thanks for your help.