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Transform Column to several columns depending on condition.

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dimitrov_dimityr Transform Column to several... 10-14-2013, 04:47 AM
sktneer Re: Transform Column to... 10-14-2013, 07:01 AM
dimitrov_dimityr Re: Transform Column to... 10-14-2013, 07:31 AM
OllieB Re: Transform Column to... 10-14-2013, 07:36 AM
nilem Re: Transform Column to... 10-14-2013, 07:41 AM
OllieB Re: Transform Column to... 10-14-2013, 07:45 AM
dimitrov_dimityr Re: Transform Column to... 10-14-2013, 08:11 AM
  1. #1
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    Transform Column to several columns depending on condition.


    I would like to ask if anyone had met such export and managed to achieve proper transformation.
    Basicly i have in Col A several criteria which i need to separate in columns without losing the infos and numbers which are related to them.

    (like in column M to P)
    The number will be different depending on the extraction i get for different requests.

    Thanks for your time
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  2. #2
    Forum Guru sktneer's Avatar
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    Re: Transform Column to several columns depending on condition.

    Very confusing. What you are trying to do? Please explain in the sheet itself.

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  3. #3
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    Re: Transform Column to several columns depending on condition.

    Here. Hope this is clearer
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  4. #4
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Re: Transform Column to several columns depending on condition.


    so column A is provided and the number of spaces in front of the text determines the nesting level. For example 0 spaces is level 1 (should be written in column M), 3 spaces is level 2 (should be written to column N, and so forth?
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  5. #5
    Forum Expert nilem's Avatar
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    Re: Transform Column to several columns depending on condition.

    Hi Dimityr,
    try it
    Sub ertert()
    Dim x, y(), i&, j&, k&
    x = Range("A7", Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)).Value
    ReDim y(1 To UBound(x), 1 To 4)
    With CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
        .Pattern = "^\s*"
        For i = 1 To UBound(x)
            k = Len(.Execute(x(i, 1))(0)) / 3 + 1
            y(i, k) = Trim(x(i, 1))
            For j = k - 1 To 1 Step -1
                y(i, j) = y(i - 1, j)
            Next j
        Next i
    End With
    Range("M7:P7").Resize(i - 1).Value = y()
    End Sub
    .Pattern = "\w+"
    k = .Execute(x(i, 1))(0).firstindex / 3 + 1
    Last edited by nilem; 10-14-2013 at 07:56 AM. Reason: add option

  6. #6
    Forum Expert OllieB's Avatar
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    Re: Transform Column to several columns depending on condition.

    or (only outputting rows when a value for column P is found)

    Public Sub transformData()
    '# declare private variables
       Dim pvt_lng_RowNumber As Long
       Dim pvt_str_Level_M As String
       Dim pvt_str_Level_N As String
       Dim pvt_str_Level_O As String
       Dim pvt_str_Level_P As String
    '# process all rows on Sheet1 - only output acolumns M to P when a value for column
    '# P has been found, else just catch the parent levels
       With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
          For pvt_lng_RowNumber = 7 To .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
             If Left$(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, "A").Value, 9) = Space(9) Then
                .Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, "M").Value = pvt_str_Level_M
                .Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, "N").Value = pvt_str_Level_N
                .Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, "O").Value = pvt_str_Level_O
                .Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, "P").Value = Trim$(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, "A").Value)
             ElseIf Left$(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, "A").Value, 6) = Space(6) Then
                pvt_str_Level_O = Trim$(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, "A").Value)
             ElseIf Left$(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, "A").Value, 3) = Space(3) Then
                pvt_str_Level_N = Trim$(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, "A").Value)
                pvt_str_Level_M = Trim$(.Cells(pvt_lng_RowNumber, "A").Value)
             End If
          Next pvt_lng_RowNumber
       End With
    End Sub

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    Re: Transform Column to several columns depending on condition.

    Came up with a form with text boxes to input the number of spaces before each level of the export and rearange the column with these values. 10 was the biggest number of different spaces.

    Private Sub doit_butt_Click()
    Dim Last_cell_num, a, b As Long
    Dim temp1, temp2, temp3 As String
    Dim set_space_filter As String
    Dim get_space As Integer
    Dim lev1, lev2, lev3, lev4, lev5, lev6, lev7, lev8, lev9, lev10 As String
    lev1 = "0"
    temp1 = ""
    temp2 = ""
    temp3 = ""
    Dim len1, len2 As Integer
    Dim lev1_tmp, lev2_tmp, lev3_tmp, lev4_tmp, lev5_tmp, lev6_tmp, lev7_tmp, lev8_tmp, lev9_tmp, lev10_tmp As String
    lev2 = levf_2.Text
    lev3 = levf_3.Text
    lev4 = levf_4.Text
    lev5 = levf_5.Text
    lev6 = levf_6.Text
    lev7 = levf_7.Text
    lev8 = levf_8.Text
    lev9 = levf_9.Text
    lev10 = levf_10.Text
        With ActiveSheet
            Last_cell_num = .Cells(.Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
        End With
        For a = 1 To Last_cell_num
            temp1 = ActiveSheet.Range("A" & CStr(a)).Value
            len1 = Len(temp1)
            len2 = Len(temp1) - Len(Trim(temp1))
            If lev10 <> "not available" Then
                If len2 = CInt(lev1) Then
                    lev1_tmp = Trim(temp1)
                    lev2_tmp = ""
                    lev3_tmp = ""
                    lev4_tmp = ""
                    lev5_tmp = ""
                    lev6_tmp = ""
                    lev7_tmp = ""
                    lev8_tmp = ""
                    lev9_tmp = ""
                    lev10_tmp = ""
                ElseIf len2 = CInt(lev2) Then
                    lev2_tmp = Trim(temp1)
                    lev3_tmp = ""
                    lev4_tmp = ""
                    lev5_tmp = ""
                    lev6_tmp = ""
                    lev7_tmp = ""
                    lev8_tmp = ""
                    lev9_tmp = ""
                    lev10_tmp = ""
                ElseIf len2 = CInt(lev3) Then
                    lev3_tmp = Trim(temp1)
                    lev4_tmp = ""
                    lev5_tmp = ""
                    lev6_tmp = ""
                    lev7_tmp = ""
                    lev8_tmp = ""
                    lev9_tmp = ""
                    lev10_tmp = ""
                ElseIf len2 = CInt(lev4) Then
                    lev4_tmp = Trim(temp1)
                    lev5_tmp = ""
                    lev6_tmp = ""
                    lev7_tmp = ""
                    lev8_tmp = ""
                    lev9_tmp = ""
                    lev10_tmp = ""
                ElseIf len2 = CInt(lev5) Then
                    lev5_tmp = Trim(temp1)
                    lev6_tmp = ""
                    lev7_tmp = ""
                    lev8_tmp = ""
                    lev9_tmp = ""
                    lev10_tmp = ""
                ElseIf len2 = CInt(lev6) Then
                    lev6_tmp = Trim(temp1)
                    lev7_tmp = ""
                    lev8_tmp = ""
                    lev9_tmp = ""
                    lev10_tmp = ""
                ElseIf len2 = CInt(lev7) Then
                    lev7_tmp = Trim(temp1)
                    lev8_tmp = ""
                    lev9_tmp = ""
                    lev10_tmp = ""
                ElseIf len2 = CInt(lev8) Then
                    lev8_tmp = Trim(temp1)
                    lev9_tmp = ""
                    lev10_tmp = ""
                ElseIf len2 = CInt(lev9) Then
                    lev9_tmp = Trim(temp1)
                    lev10_tmp = ""
                ElseIf len2 = CInt(lev10) Then
                    lev10_tmp = Trim(temp1)
                End If
    ''''' this continues a lot....
            End If
            If lev10 <> "not available" Then
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BA" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev1_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BB" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev2_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BC" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev3_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BD" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev4_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BE" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev5_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BF" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev6_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BG" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev7_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BH" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev8_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BI" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev9_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BJ" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev10_tmp)
            ElseIf lev10 = "not available" And lev9 <> "not available" Then
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BA" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev1_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BB" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev2_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BC" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev3_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BD" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev4_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BE" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev5_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BF" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev6_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BG" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev7_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BH" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev8_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BI" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev9_tmp)
             ElseIf lev9 = "not available" And lev8 <> "not available" Then
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BA" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev1_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BB" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev2_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BC" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev3_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BD" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev4_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BE" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev5_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BF" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev6_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BG" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev7_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BH" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev8_tmp)
             ElseIf lev8 = "not available" And lev7 <> "not available" Then
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BA" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev1_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BB" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev2_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BC" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev3_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BD" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev4_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BE" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev5_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BF" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev6_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BG" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev7_tmp)
             ElseIf lev7 = "not available" And lev6 <> "not available" Then
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BA" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev1_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BB" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev2_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BC" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev3_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BD" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev4_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BE" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev5_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BF" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev6_tmp)
             ElseIf lev6 = "not available" And lev5 <> "not available" Then
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BA" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev1_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BB" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev2_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BC" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev3_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BD" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev4_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BE" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev5_tmp)
             ElseIf lev5 = "not available" And lev4 <> "not available" Then
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BA" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev1_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BB" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev2_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BC" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev3_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BD" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev4_tmp)
             ElseIf lev4 = "not available" And lev3 <> "not available" Then
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BA" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev1_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BB" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev2_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BC" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev3_tmp)
             ElseIf lev3 = "not available" And lev2 <> "not available" Then
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BA" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev1_tmp)
                    ActiveSheet.Range("BB" & CStr(a)).Value = Trim(lev2_tmp)
             End If
    End Sub
    I will try with the sub you gave me.
    Any suggestions how to reduce the code? Couse i am just beggining to do such stuff and it probably looks terrible

    Damn it took me a lot of time to get this post....

    THANKS for the reply. It does work great.

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