Hi guys,
I got the below code from the following link: http://www.rondebruin.nl/win/s1/outlook/bmail3.htm
It does work but kinda break the format.
I wonder if there is any way to copy and paste the excel selection in picture (image) in Outlook?
I have attached the sample file below.
Many thannks.
Sub Send_Range_Or_Whole_Worksheet_with_MailEnvelope()
'Working in Excel 2002-2013
Dim AWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim Sendrng As Range
Dim rng As Range
On Error GoTo StopMacro
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With
'Fill in the Worksheet/range you want to mail
'Note: if you use one cell it will send the whole worksheet
Set Sendrng = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:B15")
'Remember the activesheet
Set AWorksheet = ActiveSheet
With Sendrng
' Select the worksheet with the range you want to send
'Remember the ActiveCell on that worksheet
Set rng = ActiveCell
'Select the range you want to mail
' Create the mail and send it
ActiveWorkbook.EnvelopeVisible = True
With .Parent.MailEnvelope
' Set the optional introduction field thats adds
' some header text to the email body.
.Introduction = "This is test mail 2."
With .Item
.To = "ron@debruin.nl"
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.Subject = "My subject"
End With
End With
'select the original ActiveCell
End With
'Activate the sheet that was active before you run the macro
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
End With
ActiveWorkbook.EnvelopeVisible = False
End Sub