I stumbled across this code that creates a pop-up window and allows you to keep the first X amount of characters and select a range. I kept the first 9 characters and that seemed to work well for my problem. There should be a way to change the code to eliminate the pop-up menu and change the code to always keep the first 9 characters for our range. Im sure if there is a way to include this code at the end of the existing one so that it will run one code after another.

Sub leftXChrs()
'keeps left x characters of a selected range
Dim c As Range
Dim mychrs As Long
On Error Resume Next
    mychrs = InputBox("Be sure to select a range of cells. " _
    & Chr(13) & "How many characters to keep?", 1)
        If mychrs = False Or Not Application.IsNumber(mychrs) Then
        Exit Sub
        End If
    For Each c In Selection
    c.Value = Left(c.Value, mychrs)
    Next c
End Sub