I didn't catch this the first time around. The correct code is:
Worksheets("PPW").Range("E9") = A
You might try zipping the file and see if that's under the limit. Limits can be found in the "?" link when you click on the paper clip to attach a file:
Filetype	Max File-size	Max Width	Max Height
bmp	100.0 KB	-	-
csv	1,000.0 KB	-	-
doc	1,000.0 KB	-	-
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docx	1,000.0 KB	-	-
gif	100.0 KB	-	-
jpe	100.0 KB	-	-
jpeg	100.0 KB	-	-
jpg	100.0 KB	-	-
pdf	9.77 MB	-	-
png	100.0 KB	-	-
txt	100.0 KB	-	-
xls	1,000.0 KB	-	-
xlsb	9.77 MB	-	-
xlsm	1,000.0 KB	-	-
xlsx	1,000.0 KB	-	-
zip	9.77 MB	-	-