Hello - this is my first post, so I hope I explain the issue clearly so someone can help me. I have a spreadsheet with two sheets (Sheet1=BaseDate) and (Sheet2=BaseTemplate). Sheet1 contains a list of user defined dates. I want to copy Sheet2 (BaseTemplate) for each named date in Sheet1, then rename these newly copied sheets according to the list defined on Sheet1. I am using an InputBox method for the user to identify the range in Sheet1. My macro runs fine and it is creating a new sheet for each name contained on Sheet1, but it is renaming them as BaseTemplate incrementally numbered. I am attaching my original spreadsheet, my spreadsheet after my code runs, and my VBA code. I'm not that experienced in VBA code and actually copied different macros until I got it do to what I wanted.
Original.xlsxAfter Macro.xlsx
Sub CreateDates() Dim MyCell As Range Dim MyRange As Range Dim wsNew As Worksheet Dim wsBaseTemplate As Worksheet On Error Resume Next Application.DisplayAlerts = False Set MyRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Please select the dates with your mouse.", Type:=8) On Error GoTo 0 Application.DisplayAlerts = True Set wsBaseTemplate = Sheets("BaseTemplate") Application.ScreenUpdating = False MyRange.Select For Each MyCell In MyRange wsBaseTemplate.Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) Set wsNew = ActiveSheet On Error Resume Next wsNew.Name = MyCell.Value On Error GoTo 0 Next MyCell Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub