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is it possible to determine parts of a string inside a cell and make an argument?

  1. #1
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    is it possible to determine parts of a string inside a cell and make an argument?

    here is my code, explanation below:

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    I need a more efficent way of getting the part number. cells(1,1) is a cell where the system inputs a catalogue number for a certain unit. The part number is the number before the "/". I need to extract the part number from cell(1,1). I also need to add the zeroes for example 63/125 would be "065" and 80/250 would be "080"

    So i need an argument that's something like this:

    Get the number before the "/" inside the string and label it as the Part_Number.
    Let X be the number of digits after "/"
    Let Y be the number of digits before "/"
    X-Y = number of Zeroes to add before the part number

    Is VBA capable of doing this? It seems impossible =\...
    Last edited by kjy1989; 10-08-2013 at 03:30 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru :) Sixthsense :)'s Avatar
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    Re: is it possible to determine parts of a string inside a cell and make an argument?

    May be try like this...

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  3. #3
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    Re: is it possible to determine parts of a string inside a cell and make an argument?

    Hi Sixthsense,

    Thank for your reply, i appreciate it. It's almost the right answer i was looking for except for one problem. The zero before the number should only happen if the number on the right is greater than one or more digits. for example:

    80/90 would show part number of 80
    80/100 would show a part number of 080 (because the number on the right is 100)
    80/1000 would be 0080 (because the number on the right is 1000)

    something like that...

  4. #4
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    Re: is it possible to determine parts of a string inside a cell and make an argument?

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