hi all
i have some code that when workbook starts a macro called "auto save" every 30 sec's it saves and updates screen issue i have got is that if a userform is open at the time the macro runs to save it crashes and closes workbook only in "shared" i so i had the idea of stopping the macro if a userform is visable issue i have got is how to restart the marco once the userform is hidden here my code :
 Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call AutoSave
End Sub
module code:
Sub AutoSave()
If UserForm1.Visible Then Exit Sub
' here restart macro if not userform1 not visable or when userform closed restart
If UserForm2.Visible Then Exit Sub
' here restart macro if not userform2 not visable or when userform closed restart

If UserForm3.Visible Then Exit Sub
' here restart macro if not userform3 not visable or when userform closed restart
If UserForm4.Visible Then Exit Sub
' here restart macro if not userform4 not visableor when userform closed restart

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("01:00:30"), "AutoSave"
Workbooks.Open ActiveWorkbook.FullName
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub
i also tryed worksheet change event but if a cell is fill by userform it does not see the event but does if cell is manually filled

thanks in advance guys

