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.Find Malfunctioning, Object Issue

  1. #1
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    .Find Malfunctioning, Object Issue


    Excel Forum,

    I am having what I think are object variable issues and I would like to learn why my macros break down when I paste them from my personal workbook into their respective workbooks. Part of this macro worked in my personal workbook.
    Attached are 2 workbooks. In the PPU workbook, my macro executes well until it comes across the .find function. I have tried altering my object variables and format type (adding or taking away ' before the search numbers).

    Why is my .find method not working?

    If you need further context:
    I am trying to fill out the PPU worksheet by playing the macro, selecting each file I need, then using the macro to copy and paste the data.

    Thank you for your help. This forum is invaluable and one day I hope my skills are good enough to help others.

  2. #2
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: .Find Malfunctioning, Object Issue


    I opened your PPU workbook and find your code behind a worksheet instead of in a module. This raises a red flag for me in terms of SCOPE (not the mouthwash). My general rule is that code behind a worksheet only works on that worksheet. If you want to pull stuff from another sheet or workbook you should have your code in a Module that can see other sheets or workbooks.
    Read http://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/variable-scope-lifetime.htm
    for more info on the topic.

    Scope of VBA is like creating a variable using the Dim statement in a subroutine and trying to use it in another. The variable is destroyed as soon as the sub ends, unless you declare it as global.....

    If I'm way off base, keep asking and we can read the code but having your VBA behind a worksheet instead of behind a module is my first guess of the problem.
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  3. #3
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    Re: .Find Malfunctioning, Object Issue


    I see your point and yes, you are correct. I am self taught and make a lot of simple errors like this.

    However, as I run the code in a module, it breaks down when I am setting my variable. For example everything looks good in my watch window until I try to set my "advert" variable. I get an object required run-time error. What troubles me is this method executes in other modules just fine and I don't know why the object would change when I am setting the variables. Any ideas?

    Thank you for your time. Now I will be more mindful to place my code in modules where they belong.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    Re: .Find Malfunctioning, Object Issue

    As far as I can see you've implemented the Find properly,

    It's the code following it that doesn't look right.

    For example what are you doing here?
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    That first line is going to set keyRow to a Double variable, but on the next line you try to refer to it as if it's a range.

    What is the first line supposed to do?

    If I remove every instance of it in the code it runs without error until it reaches this section where the formulas fail as a lot of the variables are empty, some of them haven't been declared either, eg MakeRdy.

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    PS You should add Option Explicit at the top of the code, that should help weed out any undeclared variables.
    If posting code please use code tags, see here.

  5. #5
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    Re: .Find Malfunctioning, Object Issue


    Thank you for your reply.

    When I finish a loop I declare my variable again. I am self taught from a book, and the books mentions this is important to make sure the variable doesn't sum as it goes through the loop.
    In the second line I am trying to identify the row my search key is on, then return the value in the 14th column of that row.

    My apologies for the missing variables, while trouble shooting I cut and pasted portions of code that work from other workbooks.

    I ran it again taking out keyrow=keyrow, but I got the same errors. What does your "advert =" line look like?

    Thank you for your time.

  6. #6
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    Re: .Find Malfunctioning, Object Issue

    I got the macro working, but only as a personal workbook module. It still turns up errors when I place the code in other modules.

    I'll keep working to sort this out. Thank you for your time and patience with me.

  7. #7
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    Re: .Find Malfunctioning, Object Issue

    What do you mean the 'line look like'?

    The only thing I changed in the code was removing keyrow = keyrow, which is something you definitely shouldn't have.

    Also, what loop and what summing?

    As far as I can see there is no loop and there are no calculations, summing or otherwise.

    By the way, why do you have this nine times?
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    KeyRange is never used in the code.

    The following code works apart from the formulas which I've commented out, they don't work because the variables are empty.
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    Last edited by Norie; 10-02-2013 at 02:34 PM.

  8. #8
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    Re: .Find Malfunctioning, Object Issue

    Thank you Noire.
    I will give this a shot.

    Where did you receive your VBA training? I think I will need more instruction than my books.

  9. #9
    Forum Guru Norie's Avatar
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    Re: .Find Malfunctioning, Object Issue

    I'm self taught.

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